Dreaming of getting paid travel opportunities for your bucket list destinations?
Learn How to Become Travel Media
and Get Paid to Travel Today!

Join today for only $247!

Are you exhausted from getting ghosts by tourism boards for every pitch you send? 

 Does the thought of an unpaid press trip make you want to scream "PAY ME!"? 

Are you tired of relying on Google algorithm for your income? 

It's exhausting waiting for Google to notice you to make any money blogging.

Working multiple gigs when your dream is to monetize your blog so that you can work for yourself and be location independent is....defeating.

You don't have time to send more pitches that say your blog is the best, when you're starting to wonder if that isn't true. 

You gotta work to make money, but then you're too burnt out to focus on your blog!

Jami and I have been there! 

I was desperate for ANY validation that my blog was a "success". 

So I traded my time and energy for literal pennies. I ended up paying more to get to the gigs than I was being "paid" in freebies. 

Jami started as a marketing executive before transitioning to the world of blogging.

She figured out much faster than I did that you deserve to be paid for marketing for these companies.

We both sent a lot of unanswered pitches...

Until Jami cracked the code:

The key to paid travel isn't pageviews or social followings. It's all in the niche and the networking. 

You need to pitch high quality brands today!

Pitching tourism boards and DMOs will land you paid opportunities that keep coming back.

Building a network of contacts that keep recommending you for new projects means tens of thousands of dollars a year in paid travel. 

Imagine quitting your soul-sucking day job to welcome in a couple thousand dollars each month - courtesy of your blog! 

But how does the average part-time blogger get on a tourism board's radar?? 

Hi, I'm Jami. Travel Media expert.

I got burnt out with corporate life and turned to blogging for a fun hobby.

But I quickly realized this was a great way to make money, and take my family on adventures we'd always dreamed of.

The strategies I use can be implemented with success by travel bloggers in ANY niche.

Now, I'm working with global brands to showcase their content, and getting paid to do it!

I want to teach travel bloggers these same strategies. I'm tired of seeing exhaust themselves pitching with no results, or accepting unpaid work.


I know the struggle of working so hard on your blog and feeling like it'll never make money. 

Hi, I'm Nina. Travel blogging expert.

I am NOT a travel media expert, but I am a travel blogging expert!

I've partnered with Jami to share the magic of Travel Media after she helped me get started going on my first press trip in 4 years and joining my first media association.

I used to spend 20+ hours per week pitching random brands like Yeti and Colombia, hoping beyond hope that they'd offer me something for free.

I never even considered that they would pay me! 

Now I know the value of my audience and the value of my content creation. 

Since implementing Jami's techniques on people who email me for free opportunities, I've been able to increase the income of a starter site I run. 

I want y'all to reap the benefits of this success too - and do even better than me! You can dedicate yourselves to a few paid press trips a year and grow your salary to 6 figures with Jami's framework. 

The How to Get Paid to Travel helps frustrated travel bloggers learn the strategies needed to pitch media for press trips AND get paid for bucket list experiences!
What You'll Get With This Program

 Mini course with 6 targeted steps on a framework so you can maximize your time pitching 

 9 short, guided videos so you can conceptualize the tasks you need to accomplish and get to work implementing strategies quickly

 A workbook to help you take action and conceptualize each step in the framework 

 Media kit demo to design your own page to put your best foot forward with brands

 List of the best associations and conferences in North America for travel bloggers to attend 

 Tips for networking and maintaining connections with brand managers to keep landing paid trips over and over again

 Rate calculator to figure out what to charge and how to present it to brands 

Imagine this...

It's 6 months from now and you're on a paid trip to a luxury resort in Hawaii.

Join today for only $247!

>> Scale the #1 asset brands care about

Get my PROVEN Quiz Lead Magnet method for $47! 

Learn exactly how to find, launch, and run a quiz that gets you thousands of new email subscribers on autopilot. Use this to raise your rates for press trips and start bringing in a full time income from your blog even faster. 

Save $100 only when you bundle it with the How to Get Paid to Travel course! 

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How to Get Paid to Travel$247

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  • 1xHow to Get Paid to Travel$247

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